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Most loans fall out because borrowers applied for the wrong type of loan. We don’t waste your time and money applying for loans that just won’t close. Our team takes the time to properly evaluate which loan is right for you before you apply.
We understand you want the lowest rate ...who doesn’t? Our attention to detail enables us to ensure you don’t overpay for your loan. That’s why 92% of our business is returning clients.
After 24 years of assisting our clients to grow their wealth through commercial real estate, we can tell you upfront what you really need. We’ll help you gain the clarity and expand your potential gains on every opportunity.
Trusted by Forbes, Business Insider, The Real Estate Network, and more... we’re founded by Terry Painter, one of the most trusted Commercial Real Estate Advisors in the business. Order your copy of the Amazon #1 best seller, The Encyclopedia of Commercial Real Estate Advice today to have an easy to use CRE reference guide at your fingertips.
We help you win the deal by getting you qualified for the commercial loan that’s right for you.
Multifamily Mortgage Bankers and Brokers since 1997
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